Steal Like an Artist 08

10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative


Edited by Ben. Turn to ContentPage

Get the knowledge flowing and circulating! :)


Be Nice. (The World Is a Small Town.)

Make friends, ignore enemies.

There’s only one reason I’m here: I’m here to make friends.

The golden rule is even more golden in our hyperconnected world. An important lesson to learn: If you talk about someone on the Internet, they will find out. Everybody has a Google alert on their name. The best way to vanquish your enemies on the Internet? Ignore them. The best way to make friends on the Internet? Say nice things about them.

Words & phrases

hyperconnected: 超连通的

This research reveals the downside of our hyperconnected lives.


alert: n.警报,警示;警戒,警惕;(电子设备的)提示信号;警戒期

The bank is alert to the danger.


vanquish: vt.征服;击败;克服;抑制(感情等)

The best way to vanquish your enemies on the Internet?



ignore the people who say bad things about you.

say nice things, 其实是非常好的一个习惯。不仅仅在网络上,在生活中,去赞美别人,你会得到很多意想不到的收获!

“There’s only one rule I know of: You’ve got to be kind.”
—Kurt Vonnegut

Stand next to the talent.

“The only mofos in my circle are people that I can learn from.”

Harold Ramis, the actor and director most famous to people of my generation for his role as Egon in the movie Ghostbusters, once laid out his rule for success: “Find the most talented person in the room, and if it’s not you, go stand next to him. Hang out with him. Try to be helpful.” Ramis was lucky: The most talented person in the room was his friend Bill Murray.

If you ever find that you’re the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room.

Words & phrases

mofo: n.<美,粗俚>混账东西,杂种;<美>极令人讨厌的事物(motherfucker 的简称)

lay out

  • 1、摆放,布置:将物品或元素按照一定的顺序或方式排列。

  • 2、设计,规划:详细说明或描述某事物的结构、功能或操作方式

I'd like to lay out my reasoning.




  • 如果不是你,你就站在他旁边,和他hang out, 表现的更helpful. 干什么?靠近优秀,你就会变得优秀!

  • 如果是你,你就到另一个房间!

"Quit picking fights and go make something."

You’re going to see a lot of stupid stuff out there and you’re going to feel like you need to correct it. One time I was up late on my laptop and my wife yelled at me, “Quit picking fights on Twitter and go make something!”

She was right. But anger is one of my favorite creative resources. Henry Rollins has said he is both angry and curious, and that’s what keeps him moving.

Some mornings, when I can’t wake up, I lie in bed and read e-mail and Twitter until my blood starts boiling and I get fired up enough to spring out of bed. But instead of wasting my anger on complaining or lashing out at people, I try to channel it into my writing and my drawing.

So go on, get angry. But keep your mouth shut and go do your work.

Words & phrases

quit: 离开(工作职位等);离任;离校;停止;搬离(住处);退出(计算机程序等);表现

Quit acting like you didn't know.


pick fight: 选择战斗

Pick a fight: 向对手挑战 ; 寻衅打架

Would not pick a fight unless the odds of winning were heavily in his favor.


be up late: 熬夜:指晚上很晚才睡觉,通常是因为工作、学习或娱乐等原因。

I was up late last night so I had a cat nap at my desk today.


yell at: 对......大喊大叫:对某人发火,用高声音责骂或抱怨。

He yelled at the other driver.


spring out: 突然跳出:指某人或某物突然从某个地方跳出或冒出。

As soon as the people opened it to answer, we would all spring out and roar.


lash: v.猛击,狠打;鞭打,抽打;怒斥,抨击;捆绑,捆扎;煽动,激励;(动物)用力甩动(尾巴)

She went quiet for a moment while she summoned up the words to lash him.


lash out: 猛击,猛踢;严厉斥责

They could lash out.



别生气,保持你的那股热烈,放在make sth.上。

“Complain about the way other people make software by making software.”
—Andre Torrez

Write fan letters.

When I was younger, I wrote a lot of fan letters and had the good fortune to hear back from several of my heroes. But I’ve realized that the trouble with fan letters is that there’s built-in pressure for the recipient to respond. A lot of times when we write fan letters we’re looking for a blessing or an affirmation. As my friend Hugh MacLeod says, “The best way to get approval is to not need it.

Words & phrases

recipient: / rɪˈsɪpiənt / n.<正式>接受者,领受者;接收器,容器

If you are submitting your resume in English, find out if the recipient uses British English or American English because there are variations between the twoversions.


blessing: n.幸事,福祉;支持,赞同;上帝的恩宠,祝福;祷告,祈祷

Rivers are a blessing for an agricultural country.


affirmation: n.肯定,维护;情感上的支持(或鼓励);(因良心原因不愿宣誓而作的正式)确认

She nodded in affirmation.




If you truly love somebody’s work, you shouldn’t need a response from them. (And if the person you want to write to has been dead for a hundred years, you’re really out of luck.) So, I recommend public fan letters. The Internet is really good for this. Write a blog post about someone’s work that you admire and link to their site. Make something and dedicate it to your hero. Answer a question they’ve asked, solve a problem for them, or improve on their work and share it online.

Maybe your hero will see your work, maybe he or she won’t. Maybe they’ll respond to you, maybe not. The important thing is that you show your appreciation without expecting anything in return, and that you get new work out of the appreciation.


a blog post: 一种public fan letter. 非常值得!


不要渴望有回馈~ 好像很适合今天我的心境呢!发了一封邮件,别渴望有回馈了!做好自己的事吧!

Validation is for parking.

“Modern art = I could do that + Yeah, but you didn’t.”
—Craig Damrauer

The trouble with creative work: Sometimes by the time people catch on to what’s valuable about what you do, you’re either a) bored to death with it, or b) dead. You can’t go looking for validation from external sources. Once you put your work into the world, you have no control over the way people will react to it.

Ironically, really good work often appears to be effortless. People will say, “Why didn’t I think of that?” They won’t see the years of toil and sweat that went into it.

Not everybody will get it. People will misinterpret you and what you do. They might even call you names. So get comfortable with being misunderstood, disparaged, or ignored—the trick is to be too busy doing your work to care.

Words & phrases

validation: n.验证;确认,批准,生效;肯定,认可

When we want validation for our decisions we often turn to friends for advice and approval.


ironically: adv.具有讽刺意味的是;反讽地,讽刺地

Ironically, for a man who hated war, he would have made a superb war cameraman.


effortless: adj.不需费力的,容易的;(品质)自然的,天生具有的

She liked him above all for his effortless charm.


toil and sweat: 辛劳与汗水,艰辛和汗水

This story tells us that behind each successful is the toil and sweat of countless efforts to pay and keep the results.


misinterpret: v.曲解,误解

My biggest problem is that people always misinterpret me as being aggressive.


call one names: 辱骂某人:用侮辱性的词语或者称呼来攻击、贬低某人。

I was one of those kids, and I remember rather vividly walking through the hall way of my high school having people split me, call me names, threaten to beat me up.


disparaged: / dɪˈspærɪdʒd / v.轻视;蔑视;毁谤;贬低(disparage 的过去式和过去分词)

I don't mean to disparage your achievements.



不要渴望从外界获得validation。validation is for parking, 会让你停滞不前的。让自己忙于自己的事,让自己习惯于误解和贬低。

the trick is to be too busy doing your work to care. 翻译: 诀窍就是忙于工作而无暇顾及。

Keep a praise file.

Life is a lonely business, often filled with discouragement and rejection. Yes, validation is for parking, but it’s still a tremendous boost when people say nice things about our work.

Words & phrases


  • v.(尤指公开地)赞美,表扬;(用语言或音乐)赞美(上帝)

  • n.表扬,赞美;(对上帝的)感谢,崇拜

He heaped praise on his team.


tremendous: adj.巨大的,极大的;极好的,精彩的;令人望而生畏的,可怕的

I felt a tremendous pressure on my chest.


boost: n.推动,促进;广告,宣扬

The tax cuts will give a much needed boost to the economy.



validation is for parking, but 当别人说一些关于你作品的好话的时候,你会觉得很有动力!

Occasionally, I have the good fortune to have something take off online, and for a week or two, I’ll be swimming in Tweets and nice e-mails from people discovering my work. It’s pretty wonderful. And disorienting. And a major high. But I always know that high will taper off, and a few weeks down the road I will have a dark day when I want to quit, when I wonder why the heck I even bother with this stuff.

Words & phrases

occasionally: adv.偶然,偶尔

We all overindulge occasionally.


fortune: n.时运,命运;好运,机遇;财富,巨款;未来,前途

She inherited a fortune from her father.


disorient: vt.使……迷惑;使……失去方向感

But the monotonous black space can bore, tire and disorient the visitor.


taper: v.(使)一端逐渐变细,(使)变锥形;逐渐变小,逐步减弱;(中央银行)缩减资产购买

Unlike other trees, it doesn't taper very much. It stays fat all the way up.


taper off: 逐渐减少:指某事物逐渐减少、减弱或减缓。

The sleet began to taper off, and silence returned like a lost friend.


down the road: 在将来:表示在未来的某个时候,通常指不久的将来。

There are certain to be more job losses further down the road.


heck: n.该死,见鬼

Who the heck are you?


That’s why I put every really nice e-mail I get in a special folder. (Nasty e-mails get deleted immediately.) When those dark days roll around and I need a boost, I open that folder and read through a couple e-mails. Then I get back to work. Try it: Instead of keeping a rejection file, keep a praise file. Use it sparingly—don’t get lost in past glory—but keep it around for when you need the lift.

Words & phrases

nasty: adj.恶毒的,凶相的;令人不快的,令人厌恶的;(伤口、疾病等)严重的,恶性的;污秽的,下流的;(外表)丑陋的,(气味等)难闻的;造成很大伤害的;令人担忧的,难对付的;有威胁性的,吓人的

He had a temper and could be nasty.


roll around: 滚来滚去:指一个人或物体在地面上不断地翻滚。

As the time roll around, if your dream which is still in your life is waiting for you?


rejection: n.(对提议、建议或请求的)拒绝接受;(对求职者、求学等者的)拒绝;拒聘函,拒绝录取函;嫌弃,厌弃;(对移植器官的)排斥;被抛弃的东西

Jane still nurses the pain of rejection.


sparingly: adv.一点点,俭省地

Use colors sparingly; two to three at most.


glory: n.光荣,荣誉;(对上帝的)赞颂;壮丽,辉煌;值得称赞的事,引以为豪的成就;欣喜;天堂的荣耀(或福祉);(尤指耶稣基督或圣人头顶的)光环,光轮

She wanted to enjoy her moment of glory.



虽然不能指望别人的validation,但是有时候也不一定都是一些不好的言论。可是这个时候,你不要被这些好的言论迷失了,你可以建立一个praise file, 为那些nice e-mail建立一个特殊的文件夹,当你需要boost的时候,可以从这些文件夹中取一个,要记得省着点花!这些都是鼓励源泉!

有点像:worthy story.